The 6th EGID Symposium entitled “Fat Tissue, Beta Cell in Diabetes” will take place at Lille Grand Palais on December 14th, 2021, face-to-face.
Save the date on your calendar!
Philippe Froguel is inviting you to participate to the seminar given by Dr Guillaume Vogt.
The seminar entitled “Réorganiser la recherche en génétique Humaine en France”
is taking place in Amphitheatre D – Université de Lille – Pole recherche – Aile Ouest
on October 09th, 2019 at 11.00 am.
Philippe Froguel is inviting you to participate toseminar given by Prof Karine Clement.
Pr Karine Clément is full professor of Nutrition, Nutrition department, Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and at Sorbonne University in Paris. From 2011 to 2016, she was the director of the Center of Excellence ICAN Institute de CardiometAbolism and Nutrition, dedicated to innovative Care, Research and training in the field of Cardiology and metabolic diseases. Inside the Institute, KC’s team (INSERM/Sorbonne University team NutriOmics) is working on the pathophysiology of obesity adressing the altered interorgan cross-talks in this complex disease using genetics and functional genomics approaches. She performed a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University, CA, USA where she acquired competencies in large scale (systemic) approaches applied to complex diseases (1999-2000) and in 2001 she obtained a young INSERM “Avenir” team focused on the characterization of patterns of gene expression induced by environmental perturbations. KC’s INSERM/University research team (NutriOmics Nutrition and obesity Systemic approaches) has been involved in genetic and functional genomics aspects of human obesity. She contributed to the identification of monogenic forms of obesity (Leptin receptor and MC4R mutations) and today patients suffering from these diseases benefit from new targeted treatments. Using functional approaches in commoner forms of obesity, her team showed notably that inflammatory and remodeling genes in different metabolic tissues are modulated by weight variation in parallel to immune cell accumulation changes. Deeper insight into mechanisms was undertaken. Her team is currently exploring the link between environment changes, immune systemic changes and functional modifications in the adipose tissue. The gut microbiota is of evidence a key actor of this link and explorations of this organ is deeply undertaken. KC contributed to more than 300 international publications, reviews and many international conferences in the field. She is a member and expert of several national and international scientific committees or science advisory boards in obesity and metabolism and contributes to several European Networks in genetics and functional genomics (Nugenob, Diogenes, Hepadip, ADAPT, FLIP, ePOS and recently coordinates METACARDIS a European program dedicated to the study of gut microbiota in cardiometabolic disorders www.metacardis.eu)
The seminar entitled “Gut Microbiata and Obesity; Can we Rescue Dysbiosis ?”
is taking place in Amphitheatre D – Université de Lille – Pole recherche – Aile Ouest
on December 11th, 2018 at 11.00 am.
Philippe Froguel is inviting you to participate to the EGID seminar given by Prof Christophe Magnan.
Christophe Magnan was born in 1965. He is professor of physiology (University Denis Diderot, Sorbonne Paris City) and director of a CNRS research team. He obtained his PhD in 1995. He was an invited scientist in Pr Barry E. Levin’s lab (Medical School of New Jersey, Newark, USA) in 2003 and in Pr Marc Prentki’s lab (Montreal Diabetes Research Center) in 2007. Since 1994, he is co-author of about 120 peer-reviewed publications (115-indexed PubMed). During the last decade he was principal investigator of 2 national research programs (in 2011 and 2015) and “work package leader” in 2 EU IMI programs (IMIDIA (2009-15) and RHAPSODY(2016-20). He is member of several scientific committees and societies and expert for numerous reviews.
The seminar entitled “Role of Brain Lipoprotein Lipase in Regulation of Energy Balance”
is taking place in Amphitheatre D – Université de Lille – Pole recherche – Aile Ouest
on October 22nd, 2018 at 2.30pm.